Need Translation Assistance?
Click here for the printable version of the Interpreter Service Agreement
This is to inform you of our policy at Intermountain Medical Imaging (IMI) regarding language interpretation services. We have developed a legal agreement intended to standardize the process so that all parties understand the expectations regarding interpretive services, to inform all parties of the fair market value reimbursement rate we are willing to pay, and to inform you of your obligation to abide by federal regulations, namely the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, more commonly referred to as HIPAA.
Because you are representing this patient in a healthcare environment, both you and IMI have a federal obligation to protect the patient’s personal and health information. Thus, prior to IMI proceeding in registering and treating the patient you represent, we must ask that you review the “Agreement for Interpretive and Translation Services” provided. After reviewing this agreement, if you would like to proceed in providing interpretive services at IMI on behalf of this patient and any future clients, please sign and date and return this agreement to the receptionist. Unless this agreement is signed, we will not be able to provide services to the patient you represent except in the case of a health emergency.
Also, please note that IMI is not a clinical laboratory and therefore cannot bill for laboratory services. We do have the capability to “draw blood” for laboratory services that are ordered and we must send that specimen out to a clinical laboratory for processing. IMI will only perform “blood draws” for laboratory services ordered that are related to a medical imaging procedure the patient will be having at IMI. For your clients that may need laboratory services only, please arrange for these services to be done at a clinical laboratory.
Please review and sign the contract and bring one copy to your client’s appointment or send one executed copy to IMI. Once received, an IMI representative will sign and mail to you a fully executed copy to your home address. Please remember that if we do not have your signed contract, we will not be able to pay you or have you do the interpretation. Please be certain you have initialed ALL of the items in Paragraph 7 of the Agreement.
If you have any questions, please contact Accounts Payable at (208) 384 -9085.