X-ray & Fluoroscopy


X-ray, also known as radiography, is the fastest and easiest way for a radiologist to examine bones, lungs and certain soft tissues. X-ray is most commonly used to assess broken bones but also plays a key role in orthopedic imaging for surgery and sports-related injuries, as well as many other diagnostic purposes.

Fluoroscopy is a study of moving body structures in a live, movie-like sequence that makes it possible for radiologists to view internal organs in motion. Fluoroscopy utilizes a contrast agent to increase the visibility of organs or a specific area of concern, and enables physicians to study many body systems, including the skeletal, digestive, urinary, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Examples of X-Ray and Fluoroscopy studies performed at IMI include:

Chest XraySpine
Gastrointestinal Xray


Generally, no preparation is required for an X-ray, although you may be asked to change into provided clothing to eliminate any interference with plastic, heavy stitching/clothing or graphics. Or objects, such as jeans, buckles, zippers, buttons, or bras.

Preparation for fluoroscopy depends on the type of exam being performed. For example, you may be instructed not to eat or drink anything for four hours before the exam. For specific preparation instructions relating to your fluoroscopy examination, please check with your referring physician or call us at 208-954-8100.

Women should always inform their physician and X-ray technologist if there is any possibility that they could be pregnant.


Depending on the type of x-ray or fluoroscopy study being performed, you will be positioned next to the x-ray equipment, either standing up or lying down. Your technologist or radiologist may ask you to change positions during the exam. Contrast agents used during a fluoroscopy exam may be introduced to the body through injections.


Once your exam is complete, restrictions may be placed upon you dependent on the exam performed. For Neuro procedures like ESI’s, NRB, LP, or blood patches you are asked not to drive for 12 hours after the procedure. For other exams, you may eat, drive and resume your activities as usual. You may be encouraged to drink fluids to help any contrast material move through the body.

Your images will be examined by a radiologist and their report sent to your healthcare provider within 24-48 hours of your examination. Your healthcare provider can review these results with you.

IMI also provides a patient portal where you can access your images and reports. Reports will be available in the patient portal as soon as it has been read by the radiologist (generally within 48 business hours).

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